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[Flashback] Interview Ross Robinson

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Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2004
Messages: 12059
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 29, 2011 20:45    Sujet du message: [Flashback] Interview Ross Robinson Répondre en citant

Fin 2005, Ross Robinson revenait pour nous sur l'enregistrement de l'album "The Cure" ainsi que sur son amour pour le groupe.

APD: First, to finish with this thing that nobody understood really : the rumor says that there were some problems between Simon and you, what is the truth about it ?
ROSS ROBINSON: Simon is my hero and i love him with all my heart! life is hard and love is bigger. i know what the press does......

APD: Does Simon represent the real soul of The Cure, like everybody can see it on stage ?
RR: You can't express the cure as the cure, without all of them.

APD: What was the member of the group the more in agreement with your projects for the album ?
RR: Robert

APD: The album is it like you want to ?
RR: 80%

APD: How would sound the next Cure album if you were the only one to decide?
RR: Bleeding...

APD: Something close to last one, or do you have new ideas?
RR: I want it to go deeper

APD: Do you have examples of albums made by other artists in mind?
RR: No

APD: What about the next album of The Cure, do you have some informations (what kind of sound, of style... Etc...) ?
RR: I'm waiting to get demos. don't know.

APD: Do you think there are some stuffs on this album that could be improved yet?
RR: mix could be better

APD: Guitars, bass and drums and keyboards are clearly separated on the final mix. Why this choice?
RR: It sounds just like it did during recording.

APD: Are you still proud of the album "The Cure" a year and a half later or would you make it sound different if you had to do it now ?
RR: It is the soundtrack for the best 6 months of my life.

APD: What is your 2005 favorite ep?
RR: From first to last - heroine

APD: Is there a band or an artist you'd like to produce?
RR: Lisa gerrard

APD: In what state of mind were you while producing ' The Cure' album ? I mean , did The Cure's past albums have an influence on your work, or did you decide to start from scratch ?
RR: I was on fire and very intense and happy! the cure gave me depth in music and i just craved that during production

APD: What do you think of the work Mike Hedges did with The Cure last spring ?
RR: Sweet and it seems like they have fun..

APD: Which opportunity does represent the new Cure line-up for you ?
RR: To be really happy!

APD: What will be your role on the next Cure album ?
RR: Friend and fan. robert is producing

APD: Did The band know that a lot of metal bands (like Machine head, SLipknot, Exhumed...) say The Cure was an influence before you produce the last album?
RR: Yes, he may see this online.

APD: What is exactly the noise at the beginning of the album (lost) ? Can you give us some details about it ?
RR: I wanted robert to remember that exact moment in time, so i threw the music stand across the room. he wanted to keep it in the mix...

APD: If you had to talk about this experience with The Cure what would you keep in mind ?
RR: Love and gratitude

APD: Now that one of your dreams has come true (recording an album with The Cure), what do you think your career as a producer is going to be like now ?
RR: I learned so much. it is easier to record with this record inside me. robert knows everything is going to be ok, i didn't!

APD: Robert picked another producer for the next album, how was that decided, can you give us the reasons of this change ?
RR: Robert listens to his heart and follows it

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Fabien G

Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2008
Messages: 3011

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 17, 2011 15:24    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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