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[Flashback] Interview Michael Dempsey

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Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2004
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MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 10, 2011 21:35    Sujet du message: [Flashback] Interview Michael Dempsey Répondre en citant

L'album Three Imaginary Boys sera bientôt à l'honneur lors des concerts évènements de Sydney.
Il y a quelques années (fin 2004) Michael Dempsey acceptait de répondre aux questions de membres du forum. Flashback !

Merci encore à Michael Dempsey.
La transcription est identique à celle mise en ligne sur le forum en 2004 avec les questions et les pseudos correspondants. Si cela pose un souci, un ptit mp !

BenBarrech :

Do you currently play in a band?

Not in a band as such Ben - with friends but without the corporate structure of "a band".

What do you think about the new Cure album?

I can't say I've read it cover to cover but what I've heard I like very much. It has the measures of insolence and intensity that I always find appealing.

What do you think about laws forbidding music piracy?

I imagine they are largely unenforeceable, at least on an international level. That doesn't mean I condone piracy but it's interesting what it has led to much more music from all genres more readily available, cheaper music assuming you even bother to buy it, and a very precarious living for the musician.

Are you still in contact with Robert?

Not for some time.

Nikola :

Hi michael!! as i did with Lol, i'd like to thank
you to have been a genuine member of The Cure!
my questions :

What do you think about the band from the time you left to the last album?

That's a lot of different bands isn't it? Same ethos though, which I would stand by unequivocally.
The best bit about The Cure which I think everybody recognises or should do, is the complete disregard for what anyone thinks about them which has always given them an uncompromising honesty not much in evidence elsewhere. Robert had in my time and seems today to have a healthy disregard for popular opinion.

Do you think your way of playing bass make the cure sound so specific?

At that time maybe, within a three-piece, but Simon is the sound of the modern Cure which hasn't changed really since he joined - except perhaps for "Love Cats" - I think Simon's style is very under-rated as he has a melodic simplicity that much of their songs hang on.

What have been your life as a bass player since 3IB?

I was in bands after The Cure most notably from my point of view "The Associates".

pedro :

hi michael and thanks a lot to come here on our forum!
what would you think about the project of organizing a Cure birthday concert with all the ex members of the band?

It might seem a little like death for Robert; seeing all his past flash before him.

alan b yond :

Hello Mike.
Did you improve again your bass play since your departure from the cure, or did you remain as good

I think we might call that a triple negative. I think I simplified what I used to do as now I am less a single instrument player so the bass is more a component to me.

What do you think of the way Mike Karn (from JAPAN) makes sounds his bass ? Are you jaleous of him ?

I never liked the fretless style if that's what you allude to. Sounds too "look at me" which is not the role of the bass. I always preferred the position of the bass in a Motown mix; hard to define but pivotal - rather like what Simon is doing in The Cure in fact. Jealous, errr no.

Did you dreamed of a "noisy pop rock" for the cure ?
Weren't you waiting more creativity from the last LP of the cure ?

Is that what it is? The modern Cure might seem a little "rockier" to my ears, but there doesn't seem to be a single vein Robert taps. He works it on several levels. I think you have to view the output over a longer period than just one LP - that would be my diplomatic answer.

toodess :

Hi Michael!
Could you talk a little bit about your collaboration with The Associates?
Were you a member because you wanted to and were pleased to do it or was it a way to forget about the Cure or simply to move on? A lot of fans like your bass playing, could you tell us what your other musical collaborations are?

I first played with The Associates when I was still with The Cure. We were on the same label - Fiction. I liked them instantly. They had an approach which was wholly new and exotic to me. We recorded on a couple occasions. Then when I left The Cure they were the only band I was particularly interested in being in and though it took a while before we started to record and tour as a band The Associates and The Cure led very parallel lives for several years. Recording at the same studios (Playground, Morgan) even playing at the same venues. I learned a lot from Billy & Alan (The Associates) both on a personal level and musically and it came at a time in my life when I was a receptive learner. Other collaborations at that time - though not musical were Roxy Music; I toured promoting "Avalon", also Act - which was a spin-off from Propaganda and The Lotus Eaters from Liverpool.

Washaki :

Hello Michael and thank you very much for all the emotions you give through 3 IB / BDC albums.
Would you be agree to make a special gig featuring all ex-cure members

That would be a lot of ex-members, though if you included all our pre-Cure members that would be fascinating for me but maybe grotesque for Robert.

Did you assist at some shows since you left the band? What do you think of the cure performances on stage?

I appeared on the "Boys Don't Cry" re-release video a long time ago, but no live shows. I haven't seem them for quite a while except on TV.

What's your greatest souvenir with the band on stage?

A rock thrown at me at the Reading Festival in 1979.

Thanks a lot again

unseensign :


- Do you have always contacts with the Cure and have you still interesting in the group?

I speak with Lol frequently, he is my link with the past that goes beyond the formation of The Cure and some contact with Porl Thompson.

What represents the Cure for you in 2004? What do you think about the musical evolution of the group ?
Do you think Smith is always credible when he sings 10:15 during the shows?

The Cure represent single mindedness and strength of character today. I think they evolved most from the point I left to the early 90s - say over a ten year period. As I think 10.15 reflected a mix of longing and what you French may still call ennui, I think Robert is still credible singing the song - very much so. He seems to have weeded out the material representing less considered teenage angst. My point about strength of character and purpose is that Robert has been, unlike many, pretty consistent in his central themes.

silentfox :

Do you play other instruments besides the bass

Keyboards and the mouse as we all do.

How did you come to play it?

I think you'll find most bass players, if honest, weren't as good on the guitar as their contemporaries and were relegated to bass. At least that was my experience.

Do you like visiting France?

Very much indeed - rural France is the most evocative for me; everything is unexpected. Why I was paddling my canoe down the Lot just last Summer.

pedro :

are you sick of people talking to you about the Cure? :p

No. It isn't something that comes up much in my everyday conversation.

So what are your favorite Cure songs?

Perhaps ironically, given the circumstances, I like "Seventeen Seconds" best - "Play For Today" being my favourite from there.

phenyx :

Hello Mickael,
What did you feel when you participated in the videoclip "Boys don't cry" in 1986 with the other founders of the band ?

Was it 1986? What did I feel in 1986 being nearly 20 years ago?. It was nice to be asked - a good gesture from both Robert and Lol at the time.

looking glass girl :

thank you michael for having been an early Cure member, the sound wouldn't have been the same wihtout you I think!

Thank you Narcissi.

tony :

hi mickael...thx for what u gave to all of us....my question is:
I remember robert wanted to celebrate the 25 years anniversary of the cure playing a special gig.....did he contact you to perform a show with all the former band members ?

No Tony.

Toberr :

which song did you like to play the most on stage when you were a member of the Cure; and which song that they've done since you left would you have liked to play

We were pretty economical in our performance - 30 minutes seemed about average. In the early days if we were contracted to play an hour we just played the entire set twice. Nobody seemed to mind. Things like "Subway Song" and "Another Day" spring to mind, though they were hardly crowd pleasers. However my favourite song from that period was undoubtedly "Accuracy" - I liked it's brevity and precision.

Since - probably something obvious like "In Between Days" and less obvious like "This Twilight Garden".

tearsofpassion :


Kept silent about bitternesses at present not to be a part any more of the Cure adventure .

About that kept silent felt when you fell again into the anonymity lasting of numerous year at the level of TV.

That think you of the work of robert smith, which is the favorite album of the group The cure which you love.

Which is your worst recollection during your passage of the group the cure

Is it that you it is how many dates to has your departure of the group the cure you played?

Which is the best concert hall? Which is best public of fan, which is the nationality?

thank you

That's a lot of questions - or observations anyway. I think you can form a view from my other answers here that all has been very happily reconciled in my heart as to my post Cure fate. If you cast your mind back to what you were doing 25 years ago I imagine you too may view it with a sepia tint. Best would probably be getting our first ever "gig" at the Rocket in Crawley - recognition from our peers at last, and worst; the appalling culture of tea drinking that existed in the late 1970s recording studio every studio employed a "tea-boy", his sole purpose to keep this terrible drip feed of the weak stimulant at great cost to the liver and temperament. As to the international fan - the furthest I got was the Netherlands so I am not really competent to rate nationalities.

lucrate :

in the songs: 'object', 'jumping someone else's train' and 'it's not you, bass is the main element, were they written to fit to the bass line and how far were you involved into songwriting in the band?
did you use a pick to play during album recordings?

Yes to the pick. As to songwriting - we usually formed the song from an initial idea, most often from a guitar line as I recall. Robert had a very economical style - probably still has. This left much room for another instrument to rise to the surface. When we had two guitars with Porl Thompson the space would be filled by him. When we stripped it down even further to a three-piece it meant inevitably the bass would feature a little more. Beyond that, I can't for a minute begin to tell you what came first in these songs.

lixiviath :

I remember your fantastic performance of 10.15 in the netehrlands (I think it was one of the first tv appearances of the cure ever) your way to play has influenced many bass players amongst which I count myself. What made you leave the band, was it really as meant by the rumor because of the new cure sound elaborated for the 17 seconds ?
Thanks for spending some of your precious time answering
best regards !!!

I don't remember TV in the Netherlands but we played an open-air festival - was it "Pink Pop"? and I have seen TV footage of this so all must be so. I am amazed to think I was influential as my time on the front line was somewhat brief. As to the eternal "why leave" question, there wasn't one reason - more a substantial amount of late teenage baggage combined with the reserve and lack of communication we English are well known for.

Toberr :

Do you remember the song 'winter' which will be on the remasters? Can to tell us alittle bit more about it? What do you think about the rare tracks which are still unknown?

I remember a song title "Winter", but wasn't that retitled as "Another Day"? Please let me know if I'm wrong there as I always had some confusion in my mind there. Were they in fact two songs? I would imagine most of the "rare" tracks have been issued by know - at least those from my time.

toodess :

Hi again Michael,
how did you feel about the lyrics of the songs from this early time ?
were you thinking they were sad or stupid words or anything else ?
could you expect at this time something so deeply strong and depressive as Pornography is ?
were you involved with song writing (words and music) ?
what do you think The Cure looks like now if you were still part of the band ? (have you ever thought about that ? )

I always thought early Cure lyrics to be appropriate - Lol would often feed Robert lines which he would process into song lyrics. You have to remember that for a long time in our very early days we had other singers - It wasn't until Robert had despaired of ever having a sympathetic singer that he shifted to being the mouthpiece. Sad and stupid was our observation on life at that time - well put. It may still be Robert's view - it certainly is mine to some extent, though ameliorated by what is good in my life. That Pornography was "deeply strong and depressive" is just an extreme extension of the sad and stupid don't you think? My contributions were more musical - Robert and Lol were the lyricists. As to what would The Cure look like if I was still in it - a three-piece you mean? Impossible to imagine and not worthy of too much effort.

Iron S :

Hi and thank you for being also at the origins of three imaginary boys which is , to me, one of the two best Cure albums.
Is it hard to see one's creation slip off one's hands?Isn't it hard to se others play the songs you've created?
Thanks again for that first album....

Thank you and no burden to see others playing these songs.

The_cure :

Do you ever regret leaving the band?

How could I - for, and here is the existential part, I would have to assume that all I have today in my post-cure friends, family and children would not exist.

Do you still have contacts with other members of the band?

As before, yes, in Lol and Porl Thompson .

You're a great bass player, I love you!

To be loved should be enough.

lucrate :

Even though the band was the combination of robert, Lol and yourself's talent, do you realise it is probably thanks to your originality and your bass playing that the Cure started off with so much success (or at least was an original band and did not pass unnoticed)

I think it was more attitude and what we left out Lucrate - we rather stood out because we didn't really stand for anything at a time when there were all sorts of modish movements around - we had enough confidence melded with inexperience not to form any alliances. The Cure of my day was very much based on what we couldn't do musically and wouldn't do for reasons of taste. We shared the same nihilistic vision - we didn't want to smash any system, perhaps just quietly ridicule it.

manu-cure :

Hi Mickael
What do yu think about fairly recent bands such as Muse, the Strokes, Interpol or Radiohead?
What are your future plans as far as music projects are concerned?
Would you ever consider getting back with the Cure as a member of the band?

They are all a recurring dream - along with taking my A-Levels.

Have you seen the Cure play in concert recently and what did you think?

Not recently.

What did you get from all those years spent as a member of the band on a personal level?
According to you, which album embodies the Cure spirit best?

As before "Seventeen Seconds" - there weren't so many years spent with The Cure say from 1973-79. It is more a part of my late childhood than my adult life if you look at it that way. Though the experience has certainly shaped how I look at things today.

Could you tell us what you did after leaving the Cure?

Do you mean everything?

Are you still in touch with former or new members of the band?

As before Lol and Porl; though my wife keeps bumping into Jason at Kings Road art shows!

Rumors say there are tensions within the band, do you have some information about that?

I have nothing for you there.

If you were to get back with the band, what would you change? (the way of working, the sound? etc...)

I'd insist we start work every morning at 8.30am.

Vincent :

Do you remember when you sang with Robert Smith on the song Do the hansa? Or was it Lol singing?

Ahh yes, I do. Listening back to it, the dominant backing voice is Lols', unmistakeable to all who know and love him. But I feel I am in the mix too - just overpowered.
Eight flew over. One was destroyed.
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Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2004
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Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 10, 2011 22:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci de faire remonter ça...il y a des questions cultes quand même!! Laughing
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Inscrit le: 23 Mai 2011
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MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 23, 2011 21:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

merci Wyklo, je vois que t'es oujours là pour notre plus grand bonheur
I'm a troll. A trolling man.
breathing like the trolling man...
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Fabien G

Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2008
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MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 24, 2011 17:45    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

merci pour la remise en ligne.
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Inscrit le: 23 Mai 2011
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MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 24, 2011 20:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

de rien Wink
I'm a troll. A trolling man.
breathing like the trolling man...
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