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Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2004 Messages: 12059 Localisation: Paris
Posté le: Mer Mar 06, 2019 08:50 Sujet du message: Interview Bloc Party (février 2005) |
SEB ROZ : What are you influences in music; past and present?
GORDY: Punk rock, R 'n' B, trashy pop, post rock, noise and hardcore.
SEB ROZ: Do you think you will always play your shows as you do now, with such energy?
GORDY: As long as our hips allow us.
CHARLOTTE SOMETIMES: The first time I heard your music, it made me think right away about the indie rock band called Hot Hot Heat. Do you consider them as having a major influence on your music or are you rather influenced by less recent bands?
GORDY: I don't think we're influenced by them at all. We've always just done our own thing. Any similarities to bands real or ficticious is pure coincidence.
CHARLOTTE SOMETIMES: What was it like to be the support band during the Interpol tour in France? And what will you remember the most from that tour?
GORDY: It was fun, inspiring, enlightening. I think we were really spoiled to be supporting them as they're such a great band. We'll remember so much from the tour - snowball fights in Oslo, surreal conversations in Amsterdam, the sight of Carlos wearing nothing but a white towel on his way to the shower.
CHARLOTTE SOMETIMES: I saw you playing in Lyon and I thought you had a great energy on stage, and above all, you seem to absolutely love playing music in front of people and the audience can really feel that. I hadn't felt such generosity coming from a band during a concert for a very long time! It was amazing! Thanks guys!
GORDY: Thank you! You need a really appreciative audience to be able to play like that.
GALNOIR: I saw you at l'Elysee Montmartre in Paris before Interpol ... Your gig was very great ... you have a rare post-punk freshness .... keep it !!! I'm waiting for the upcoming album
GORDY: It's almost out... your patience will be rewarded.
NIKOLA: Hi guys! If making your promotion is a crime, so i'm guilty here!!! I'd like to know what you think about the japanese gigs you did around christmas... about the crowd... and what does it make you feel to be supported so far from UK?
GORDY: It's pretty humbling to travel so far and be so well received. It's nothing we ever expected really. The gigs were really enjoyable because we played perhaps the longest set we'd ever played. The Japanese audience is a curious one - they're quite excitable but they listen intently and are more polite than a rock audience should be. But it's always fun.
NIKOLA: Many people think that your music reminds them the energy of the early Cure titles... what can you say about that?
GORDY: I don't hear it myself, although I would concede there's something of a dynamic similarity in the way we've put some of the songs together around the basslines. But I think they have a more ethereal guitar sound whereas we're quite regimented and clipped with our guitar parts.
NIKOLA: About Helicopter... how was received that song by the US critism, by the crowd... did you get some feed-backs about it?
GORDY: The song is not explicitly anti-American. It's simply a point of view, a quite neutral viewpoint on changing values as observed by an onlooker. It's as much about Europe as it about America. And anyway audiences just go mad for the double guitar riff, not the politics!
NIKOLA : What's your way of working ? Who's involved in the writing and the composition?
GORDY: Who isn't? Bloc Party songs come from the four of us playing in a room together, that's how they've all come together. We work on specific ideas and jam parts until we're all happy with the parts that we've contributed. At other times we work quite freeform, but there always has to be a very concentrated editing down of ideas before we can finish the song.
NIKOLA: In 2004, you released maxi cd's, singles, played concerts (inrock festival, support Interpol tour) and your videos were played on tv... all that before your first album... was it planned by your label or is it an idea from the band?
GORDY: It's no great masterplan... we've just released songs as we had them to release. The response to it all has been a fairly organic process. As for the gigging, our life as a band is about gigging. We've done that from the very beginning and we'll keep doing it until the end.
Indeed, it was good coz' now, your album is famous before its release! thank you for answering us and good luck to Silent Alarm!!
DEESSE : Hi guys, you have a song called "Pioneers". Could you tell us more about it ? Is this influenced by a particular band, song or album ?
GORDY: The song is called 'The Pioneers' and it's track eight on the record. It's an observation on the endless charge of artists to be seen as pioneers when in fact they're more likely to be copyists. It's about the rift between how supposed innovators see themselves and how they are seen an audience that's seen it all before.
Anyway..a great song... Cheers
MORGAN: hi Bloc Party happy to speak with you I've seen you twice and it was really a great experience thank you Kele, you were very nice after the show in Lille and really interesting. It was a really great pleasure to share this moment with you! Could you reveal us some anecdotes that occured during the tour ?
GORDY: The best anecdote from the Les Inrocks tour is really from the final show, in Nantes. After our set all four of us in the band surrendered ourselves to the crowd and were carried back forth across the venue. It was an amazing experience. Kele repeated his crowdsurf during the Kings Of Leon's set too!
MORGAN: And what does the dot at the end of the band's name mean >> Bloc Party.?
GORDY:The dot is not part of the name. It is just a typographical detail that we use on records and posters, where Bloc Party is used as a logo. It is simply an aesthetic curio.
thanks for everything Morgan, Nico & Nico Fragile
SUPER SEB You said that you’re influenced by British post-punk bands and by other bands from the 80's, but what do think about the US pre-punk bands from the 70's such as the Stooges, Pere Ubu, Suicide or Television?
GORDY: Our favourite US pre-punk bands are Love and Grand Funk Railroad. For more on this era, contant Matt personally. He knows his stuff.
WASHAKI: hello, how did you discover "the cure"?
GORDY: People I knew at school used to write 'The Cure' on their school bags. We thought these kids were weird. Later we stumbled across 'Three Imaginary Boys' and '17 Seconds' and were quite taken with what we heard, but not at the expense of the rich history of 90s indie bands that we grew up with.
OTHERVOICES: Hello, Do you feel close to such bands as the killers, franz ferdinand or interpol?
GORDY: feel closest to Interpol because we spent three weeks in their company making friends and playing shows. We always felt closest to them musically. I love the darkness of what they do, and how detailed the interplay between all the instruments is. we've always aspired to that - the importance of every note, every beat. Where to and where to not repeat yourselves.
OTHER VOICES: What albums do you listen to these days?
GORDY: Just now I'm listening to 'Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever' by Explosions In The Sky and 'Oxeneers or The Lion Sleeps When Its Antelope Go Home' by These Arms Are Snakes. I think I've got a thing for long album titles just now, though I draw the line at Bright Eyes.
Thanks for giving us a little bit of your time!
TOODESS Hi guys, I'm looking at your videos on MTV, and I got some question about how you're shown in : do you agree with the way you are filmed ?I mean, in Banquet, Kele is staring at the camera all eyes wide open all along the video. it seems not to be natural from you (acting as a puppet), so was it a decision from the video director, asking you to do so ?or is it just you fighting not to look to shy? or a stupid question ? No need to be shy
GORDY: Of course. It wouldn't be much of a video filmed against our wishes. Kele would have performed very much as he saw fit, with input from the director, who is there to provide direction after all. He may have asked Kele to open his eyes for the visual effect of the starkness in contrast with the background. It works, no? . The video was shot very quickly in a rehearsal space by friends of ours. We had to work quickly.
Anyway, some words about your music, that makes me think about old "minimalist" bands as the Knack, or early XTC (making plans for nigel) and of course as quoted on your page Taking Heads. hope you're gonna make your own place keeping this feeling.
GROUIKGROUIK: Hi, I love your clip 'little thoughts', the first time I saw it, it struck me as a simple but very compelling song ! My question is : how did you come up with the idea of 'stammering' the vocals at the end of the chorus of 'little thoughts' ?It's kind of bold and it reminds me of the vocals of the early cure title 'fire in cairo' where each word is spelt very quickly. Would you say that early cure can be an influence in your music ?
GORDY: I think it helped the line scan, and it helps it run along more naturally. Though I think it's quite an appropriate little stutter given the kind of nervy subject matter in the song.We like bits and bobs. We try not to explicitly reference anything too heavily.
TONY: hi what do you guys think about peer 2 peer ? do you use it?
GORDY: I'm sure it's great. None of us is that au fait with it I don't think. We're pro-sharing. Sharing is great for everyone.
TONY: Many albums are available before their official release date. Some people think that it is a good opportunity to discover you agree with that?...
GORDY: Yes. The more ways the better! _________________